Download the Department's enrolment form. To determine when you child can commence their preparatory year, use the prep ready reckoner calculator.
Year 1 to Year 6 Enrolments:
Student enrolment packs are available from the school office with enrolment forms also available on the school website. Parents of new enrolments will need to have an interview with the principal before their child/ren commence school. It is important at this interview that enrolling parents/carers give accurate data and information pertinent to each child. Students may commence class on the day following their interview.
Prep Enrolments:
Complete a student enrolment form and hand in to the school office. Enrolment forms are available at the school office or you can download it from the school website. Make sure you bring in your child’s birth certificate when you enrol your child.
Children must be aged 5 years on or before 30 June on the year of entry to enrol into the Preparatory Year. There is, however, the option of applying to the school principal for permission to start Prep early if your child is born in July of that year.
The school requires all children to dress in the MISS P & C approved uniform. By enrolling your child in the school, you are indicating that you accept the code of dress and required standards as determined by the P & C and management of the school.
- Sun Safe standard MISS uniform polo shirt with school logo
- Sun Safe standard MISS uniform navy blue shorts/culottes
- White socks
- Closed-in shoes (Plain black joggers are recommended)
- Bucket hat – Sun Safe standard with school logo
Click on the link to our uniform supplier.
NB: The uniform supplier School Threads is the only company authorised to use our logo and sell our uniform.
Ordering is an online purchasing system with a turnaround time of approximately 3 days.
It is recommended that students do not wear jewellery (watches may be worn) or make up to school. Caps are not appropriate, only broad brimmed hats should be worn.
It is recommended that all shoulder length hair be tied back. Head lice can pose problems at different times throughout the year. Keeping hair tied back helps to reduce the spread of lice.